About Technical Camera

With a technical camera you get a dark slide, one dark slide can hold two sheets of film, the dark slide goes into the camera after you have set it up and focused it ready to take your shot. You can get different types of film for a technical camera and you can tell the difference by the notches on the film when loading in the darkroom. You must load the film in dark to make sure no light gets to it and exposes it before being shot. On the dark slide you have a black side and a silver side. When black faces outwards it shows the film inside is unshot and when the silver faces outwards it shows the film inside has been shot. You must set up the camera first before putting in the dark slide as you will not be able to see anything once the dark slide is in place. When using the technical camera the front left nob focuses the photograph and the front right locks it in place so cannot accidentally be knocked out of focus. Where the tripod is on the technical camera accounts for the cameras focal length. With a technical camera everything is built on the lens such as your aperture and shutter speed.

Dark Slide Technical Camera

Sophie Trickey

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