Making My Pinhole Camera Part 3

I then decided to make a paper holder to hold my paper in place to do this I got some foam board measured it up so it would fit in my pinhole camera and cut out 2 pieces the same size. I then took one of them and cut a window out of it making sure the boarder was the same all around the edges. I then got some spare pieces of foam board and glued them to the back of the window and then onto the other piece that hadn’t been cut to create my paper holder. I then slid this into my pinhole camera and taped it so it could not move.




Making My Pinhole Camera Part 2

To do the lid of my pinhole camera I measured up and cut out a piece of foam board and scored down the board about a quarter of the way on one side. I then bent it to make a hinge so I could easily put paper into my pinhole camera. I then got another bit of foam board and did the same and attached this to the other hinge so this would make my pinhole more secure and not let light into it. Once I had done that I cut another small piece of foam board and glued that on the inside of the hinges to create a light block. I also then added sponges to either side to make sure my pinhole was light tight.





Sophie’s Mood Board

Vanitas via Google images

This is a vanitas picture it has inspired me as the skull represents death and I have decided to use a skull in my photograph. It has also inspired me as the skull is in the centre of the picture and I will replicate that in my photograph as I want the skull to be my centre piece and my main focal point.


This is another vanitas piece I have been inspired by this one due to the beam of light on the objects and I would like to try and do this in my photograph.


This is a picture of a diamond I thought about putting jewellery into my photograph to show mining.

61JdnEWqAUL._SL1000_This is a picture of a glass skull I am going to use a glass skull as skulls represent death and I am going to fill one up with oil (treacle) to show oil is  dying out.


This is a photograph of a bird thats been hit by an oil spill. i am using feathers to represent the extinction of animals and treacle to show oil. I am going to coat the tip of the feathers in treacle to show oil spills cause harm to animals.


This is a photograph of a candle. Candles represent death and so I am putting a candle in my photograph to show our planet is dying out.

Oil and earth

This is a picture of the Earth in oil it is saying how the Earth is running out of oil. I will be using black treacle to represent oil.


This is a picture of smoke I am going to use smoke in my photograph to represent pollution.


Here is a photograph of a polar bear holding on to what is left of an ice cap. I will be using ice cubes to represent the melting ice caps.


This is a picture of ice cubes I was going to use ice cubes in my photograph to represent the melting of the ice caps as the planet is warming up and melting them. This links with extinction as polar bears and other animals rely on the ice caps.


This is a picture of a zebra skin I was thinking of using an animal skin or print in my photograph to show extinction and how few animals we have left due to us ruining their habitats and killing them off for money.


This is a photograph of feathers. I am going to use feathers in my photograph to represent extinction and how few animals we have left due to us ruining their habitats and killing them off for money.

About Technical Camera

With a technical camera you get a dark slide, one dark slide can hold two sheets of film, the dark slide goes into the camera after you have set it up and focused it ready to take your shot. You can get different types of film for a technical camera and you can tell the difference by the notches on the film when loading in the darkroom. You must load the film in dark to make sure no light gets to it and exposes it before being shot. On the dark slide you have a black side and a silver side. When black faces outwards it shows the film inside is unshot and when the silver faces outwards it shows the film inside has been shot. You must set up the camera first before putting in the dark slide as you will not be able to see anything once the dark slide is in place. When using the technical camera the front left nob focuses the photograph and the front right locks it in place so cannot accidentally be knocked out of focus. Where the tripod is on the technical camera accounts for the cameras focal length. With a technical camera everything is built on the lens such as your aperture and shutter speed.

Dark Slide Technical Camera

Sophie Trickey